What are the objectives of Giving Animals Voice? +

To make animal communication services a standard resource widely available to shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries. 

What are the specific objectives of Pilot 3? +

To provide participating organizations the opportunity to communicate with dogs, via experienced animal communicators, and to collect survey responses from those organizations which may be shared  to raise awareness of animal communication and to support efforts to provide animal communication to shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries.

How many animals, organizations and communicators will participate in Pilot 3? +

Our goal is that approximately 10 organizations (a mix of shelters, rescues and sanctuaries)  and approximately 10  experienced animal communicators will volunteer to participate in Pilot 3. 

Who are the direct beneficiaries of Pilot 3? +

The participating dogs and organizations are the direct beneficiaries.  Staff, volunteers, fosters, and potential adopters may indirectly benefit.

What are the potential benefits to the dogs? +

Examples of potential benefits to the dogs include improving the dogs’ general well-being while in care as indicated by reduction in stress behaviors, increased sociability, reduced length of stay, and better matches with fosters and adopters. 

What are the potential benefits to the organizations? +

We don’t  try to tell you how to do your job. We do relay information resulting from animal communication that may help you do your job.  Once the information is relayed, you  retain complete discretion as to its decisions about care for the dog and what, if anything, you does with the information relayed. 



Who selects the dogs and decides what topics will be addressed? +

The organization selects the dogs and may request communication on specific topics. Additionally, each communication session addresses 3 topics relevant to all the dogs and organizations: 1) the dog’s preferences for its “forever home and people”; 2) the dog’s preferences relating to “in kennel” and “out of kennel” enrichment; and 3) whether the dog is experiencing pain or discomfort. 

Is there any out-of-pocket expense to the organization to participate? +

No. The communicators generously volunteer their services for the Pilot. GAV will cover the costs of administration and collection and storing  the survey data.

What software and technology are required to participate? +

Participating organizations and communicators may use any mobile device or computer to request a communication session, to “attend” the virtual communication session, and to respond to 2 short post-session surveys.

How much time will be required for an organization to participate in Pilot 3? +

Each organization may request communication for 2-3 dogs.  For each dog, the  organization’s time commitment consists of:  1) completing an online request for communication (estimate 10 minutes); 2) a representative of the organization is required to attend the virtual communication session so that the  organization has the opportunity to ask for clarification or request additional questions during the session; (estimate 30 minutes to one hour); 3) a representative of the organization needs to respond to 2 short online post-session surveys (estimate 10 minutes per survey).  NOTE: because the animal communication is done remotely the DOG can be anywhere. 

When will the participating organizations and communicators receive a summary of the Survey responses? +

At the conclusion of the study,  GAV will summarize the Survey responses and make them available to participants and to interested others as appropriate.

How can an organization or communicator indicate interest in participating in Pilot 3? +

Visit GAV’s website www.givinganimalsvoice.org, click on Current Pilot Project, then select Apply to Participate and complete an application.  

Will GAV provide additional information to participating organizations and communicators? +

Yes. In addition to the FAQ, we  provide a Letter of Agreement that outlines the general objectives, processes, and the responsibilities of the participants. We also provide  additional details in a Code of Conduct for all participants.